Saturday 24 June 2017

First problem issue - 9th.June cont.

Well I had a reply from Wren Customer Services in 2 working days and the issue I had was partly due to the fact that Wren had enclosed the wrong instructions for the sliding mechanism. Wren enclosed instructions for a Vauth-Sagel HSA470 whereas they should have enclosed instruction for the HSA500 model which was the one actually fitted to the pull-out tower. After adjusting the screws the door does now fit uniformly, well near enough, but there is a huge 7mm gap at the top of the unit. There is no way of adjusting that out, it is simply careless fitting at the Wren factory. The only way out of this is to packing shims under the bottom rail I think.
This is the main problem I am having with Wren, the factory fits are a bit slap-dash, so most items, door and drawers need adjustment, sometimes reworking to improve clearances.

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